ГДЗ Enjoy English 5 Workbook

Ответы на упражнения из рабочей тетради “Enjoy English 5 класс” (Биболетова и др.). ГДЗ Enjoy English 5 Workbook

ГДЗ Enjoy English 5 Workbook

Урок 1

  • 1. • Составьте слова. Переведите на русский.
    1. table time, 2. project, 3. technology, 4. literature, 5. subject, 6. information
  • 2. • Выберите правильный глагол.
    1 — a, 2 — b, 3 — c, 4 — c, 5 — a.
  • 3. • Дополните текст.
    Subjects, art, marks, break, desks.
  • 4. • Заполните пропуски словами speak, say, tell
    1. speaks, 2. tell, 3. speak, 4. say, 5. tell, 6. say
  • 5. • Ответьте на вопросы.
    1. У вас в этом году новый класс?
    No, we don’t have a new classroom this year.
    2. Ваш класс большой и чистый?
    Our classroom is big and clean.
    3. В классе есть книжные полки?
    Yes, there are bookshelves in our classroom.
    4. В классе есть жалюзи на окнах?
    We don’t have blinds on the window.
    5. В классе есть растения?
    We have got a lot of plants in our classroom.
    6. В прошлом году у вас были картины на стенах?
    We had pictures on the walls in our classroom last year.
    7. В классе есть компьютеры?
    We have 10 computers in our classroom.
    8. Вам нравится ваш класс?
    I adore my classroom.
  • 6. • Разгадайте сканворд. Найдите 8—10 слов по теме «Школа». Запишите их.
    Mark, lesson, poem, discuss, copy, learn, type, tea, get.
  • 7. • Прочитайте слова в транскрипции. Напишите их буквами.
    Foreign, timetable, Math, language, subject, mark, teacher, break, information.
  • 8. • Выберите правильный глагол.
    1 — с, 2 — b, 3 — а, 4 — с, 5 — b, 6 — Ь, 7 — с.
  • 9. • Переведите с русского на английский.
    1. Did you miss your friends during summer holidays?
    2. I hope to get an invitation letter next week.
    3. ‘Enjoy English’ will help you to improve your English.
    4. It will be great to see you again.
    5. Stay with us.
    6. Tell us about London, please!
  • 10. • Сопоставьте вопросы и ответы.
    1 — b
    2 — d
    3 — a
    4 — c
  • 12. • Задайте вопросы в прошедшем времени.
    1. How did you celebrate your last birthday?
    2. What did you do during the weekend?
    3. What subjects had you last year?
    4. How many lessons did you have yesterday?
    5. Why did you get up early last Thursday?
  • 12. • Соедините глаголы из левой колонки со словами из правой колонки. Составьте пять предложений.
    I miss my school friends during the summer.
    I usually take care of my cat.
    I want to go abroad with my sister.
    I spent my summer holidays in the camp.
    I went shopping with my sister least weekends.
    • 13.
    Переведите с русского на английский.
    1. My granny gathered a lot of berries last summer.
    2. Do you like to gather mushrooms in September?
    3. Look! He is a famous musician! Do you recognize him?
    4. Let’s visit the museum of this famous writer.
    5. We got to know a lot about famous artists at the Art lessons.
    6. Ivan Pavlov was a famous Russian scientist.
  • 14. • Заполните пропуски.
    Artist, musician, takes part, sunbath, fruit, vegetables.
  • 15. • Дополните предложения правильными словами.
    1 — с, 2 — а, 3 — а, 4 — с, 5 — Ь, 6 — с.
  • 16. • Соедините слова из левой колонки со словами из
    правой колонки и составьте словосочетания. Составьте 8 предложений.
    1. I want to feed the farm horses this summer.
    2. My granny always grows vegetables and fruit at the dacha.
    3. My parents decided to visit the places of their interests.
    4. My brother spends a lot of time outdoors in summer.
    5. I want to play the guitar.
    • 17. •
    Ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Где вы обычно проводите летние каникулы?
    I usually spend my summer holidays at the seaside.
    2. Что вы любите делать в деревне?
    I like to play with my friends and go to the river in the country.
    3. Что вы любите делать на море?
    I like to swim and sunbathe at the seaside.
    4. Что вы любите делать в городе?
    I like to go sightseeing.
    5. Что вы любите делать в лагере?
    I like to do sports and go to the disco.
    6. Вам нравятся летние каникулы? Почему?
    I like summer holidays because I always spend a great time with my friends.
  • 18. • Дополните текст.
    From, the longest, summer, the country, like, friends.
  • 19. • Составьте предложения.
    A. 1. Our town is smaller than your city.
    2. The book is more interesting than the film.
    3. This palace is more beautiful than that castle.
    4. This bus is more comfortable than that car.
    5. History is easier than Math.
    6. St. Petersburg is bigger than Pavlovsk.
    7. Emma’s homework is more beautiful than Tom’s homework.
    В 1. It is the longest road in our town.
    2. It is the shortest poem in the textbook.
    3. She is the best student in our class.
    4. He is the most famous writer in Russian literature.
    5. It is the happiest day of her summer holidays.
    6. It is the longest legend in the world.
    7. It is the funniest hobby in our class.
  • 20. • Выберите правильный предлог.
    1. to
    2. at
    3. from
    4. to
    5. in
  • 21. • Переведите предложения на английский язык.
    1. Summer holidays are the longest ones.
    2. The weather is worse today than yesterday.
    3. Russian language is more difficult than English.
    4. Natasha told us about the most beautiful palace in London.
    5. This year you study better than the last year.
    6. Our class is bigger than yours.
  • 23. • Напишите о своих летних каникулах.
    I really enjoyed my summer holidays. I stayed with my granny at the seaside. We went to the beach every day. We sunbathed, swam, took photos. I saw different animals: lions, parrots. We also went sightseeing. I will never forget this holiday.
  • 24. • Вычеркните лишнее слово.
    1. Strong, 2. Match, 3. Together, 4. Create.
  • 25. • Перепишите предложения no образцу.
    1. I like swimming best of all.
    2. I like playing the guitar.
    3. They like growing exotic flowers.
    4. I like taking photos of my family.
    5. He likes playing chess with my dad.
    6. I like drawing funny pictures.
    7. She likes dancing best of all.
  • 26. • Задайте вопросы к предложению.
    1. Who made a wall newspaper?
    2. What did Billy do for our classroom?
    3. What newspaper did Billy do for our classroom?
    4. Where was a wall newspaper?
    5. When did Billy do a wall newspaper?
  • 27. • Дополните вопросы.
    1. isn’t it, 2. didn’t they, 3. will he, 4. doesn’t she, 5. did he, 6. can you, 7. will not they, 8. doesn’t he.
  • 28. • Вставьте пропущенные слова.
    Swimming, spend, best, running, fastest, high, jumpers, tennis player.
  • 29. • Прочитайте слова в транскрипции. Запишите их буквами.
    Responsible, creative, sociable, independent, grown up, active, kind, friendly, healthy, helpful.
  • 30. • Составьте пары антонимов.
    In the town — in the country
    To stay — to go out Seldom — often To start — to finish To put on — to take off Sometimes — usually Left — right
  • 31. • Объясните, почему студенты выбрали эти клубы.
    1. Ted chose the Computer Club because he likes working with computers.
    2. Kirill chose the Photography Club because he likes taking photos.
    3. Natalie chose the Dancing Club because she likes dancing.
    4. Larisa chose the Nature Club because she likes growing flowers.
    5. I chose the Drawing Club because I like drawing.
  • 32. • Заполните пропуски.
    Friendly, strong, fast, kind, creative
  • 34. • В. Что Барбара вчера делала, а что не делала.
    She got up at 7 o’clock. She walked to school. She had
    5 or 6 lessons a day. She taught 10-year-old pupils. In the lessons they spoke English, asked and answered questions, read and translated, played games and took tests. She gave only good marks. Her students didn’t speak Russian in the lessons. When she got home she was always tired, so she had a rest. She didn’t go for a walk in the evening. She watched TV and she went to bed at about 11 o’clock.
  • 35. • Выберите правильный предлог.
    1. To, 2. Of, 3. In, 4. Near, 5. During, 6. In, 7. From.

Раздел 7

  • 36. • Вычеркните лишнее слово.
    1. Britain
    2. Christmas
    3. language
    4. last
  • 37. • Догадайтесь, какой предмет любимый у Джека. Разгадайте кроссворд.
    1. Learn. 2. Information 3. Teacher, 4. English, 5. Run,
    6. Art, 7. Tell, 8. Uniform, 9. Recite, 10. Explain.
  • 38. • Прочитайте слова. Найдите и обведите 6 слов со звуком [∂].
    Mother, with, neither, this, gather.
  • 40. • Составьте диалог. Пронумеруйте предложения в правильном порядке.
    — What form are you in?
    — I’m in the fourth form. And you?
    — I’m in the fifth form. I see you are in a uniform. Do you like it?
    — It’s OK! All students wear uniform in our school. What about you?
    — Oh, in some Russian schools students wear it. But we don’t. Are there any new subjects in your timetable?
    — Yes, there are some.

Раздел 8

  • 1. • Ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Вы любите ходить в школу?
    Yes, I like to go to school.
    2. Вы всегда приходите в школу вовремя?
    No, sometimes I am late.
    3. Вы часто забываете школьные принадлежности дома?
    Yes, sometimes I leave my pen at home.
    4. Кто помогает вам собираться в школу?
    Му mother helps me to pack my school bag.
  • 2. • Прочитайте историю и ответьте на вопрос.
    Почему мама торопила детей?
    Mother hurried up her children because they were late for school.
  • 3. • Ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Что Кейт забыла дома?
    Kate forgot her homework at home.
    2. Кто забыл кроссовки?
    Charlie forgot his trainers.
    3. Почему мама вернулась назад домой?
    Mother went back home because she forgot her bag.
    4. О чем Кейт спросила маму?
    Kate asked mother to turn on the radio.
    5. Что сказали по радио?
    The man on the radio said that it was Sunday.
  • 4. • Выберите вариант, в котором предложения расставлены в правильном порядке.
  • 5. • Расставьте картинки в правильном порядке.
    С, b, е, a, d
    • 6. •
    Выпишите глаголы из истории.
    Hurry up, said, be, rushed, picked up, went, closed, wait, forgot, don’t have, found, went back, cried, get, believe.

Протестируйте себя 1

  • 1. • А. Составьте словосочетания.
    То borrow a dictionary, to improve English, to spend holidays, to invite guests, to go sightseeing.
    В. Вставьте словосочетания в предложения.
    1. to borrow a dictionary
    2. to improve English
    3. to spend holidays
    4. to invite guests
    5. to go sightseeing
  • 2. • Дополните предложения.
    1 — с, 2 — a, 3 — с, 4 — b, 5 — a, 6 — c, 7 — b.
  • 3. • Дополните письмо.
    Sunny, outdoors, evenings, miss, spend
  • 4. • Дополните предложения.
    1. A few, 2. Much, 3. A few, 4. Many, 5. A little.
    5. • Дополните письмо.
    Spent, swam, caught, had, picked, did, didn’t miss, did you take.

Протестируйте себя 2

  • 1. • Дополните предложения.
    1. Teacher, 2. Writer, 3. Sportsman, 4. Musician, 5. Scientist, 6. Singer, 7. Artist.
  • 2. • Дополните текст.
    Meet, creative, answered, grammar, marks, English.
  • 3. • Дополните вопросы.
    1. doesn’t he, 2. can’t she, 3. did you, 4. isn’t he, 5. were they, 6. will we, 7. will not it, 8. wasn’t it.
  • 4. • Дополните предложения.
    1. better, 2. the most difficult, 3. Worse, 4. the happiest,
    5. Longer, 6. the most interesting, 7. the biggest.
  • 5. • Поставьте слова в правильном порядке.
    1. Did you wear uniform at school last year?
    2. We do not have Science this year.
    3. When will you have your autumn holidays?
    4. Do you often miss the lessons?
    5. I enjoy reading detective stories.
    6. What do you do in IT lessons?

Урок 2

  • 1. • Прочитайте слова. Запишите их.
    Student, invite, suggest, group, social, Maths, programme, during, responsible, news.
  • 2. • Дополните текст.
    Russian, school, suggest, invite, glad
    • 3. •
    Напишите вопросы к предложениям.
    1. What did Mr. Golovin get yesterday?
    2. When will Mr. Wooding phone Mr. Golovin?
    3. How many students can come to London?
    4. Why is Barbara Grey responsible?
    5. Who thanked English colleague for the invitation?
    4. • Найдите 11 глаголов в таблице. Запишите их. Составьте 11 существительных.
    Describe-description, invite-invitation, suggest-suggestioi celebrate-celebration, decorate-decoration, collect-collection, inform-information, stop-а stop, start-a start, form-а form, rate-a rate.
  • 5. • Соедините вопросы Шерлока Холмса и ответы его
    1 — е, 2 — Ь, 3 — а, 4 — d, 5 — с.
  • 6. • Дополните текст.
    Idea, spend, responsible, sports, enjoyed, great, arrange
  • 7. • Составьте словосочетания.
    A) to wake up, to fall ill, to take the temperature, to a sore throat, to get well.
    B) Заполните пропуски словосочетаниями.
    1 — wakes up, 2 — have a sore throat, 3— took the temperature, 4 — gets well, 5 — fell ill.
  • 8. • Сопоставьте предложения и картинки.
    2 — b, 3 — а, 4 — е, 5 — d, 6 — f.

Раздел 2

  • 9. • Найдите 10 слов по теме «Выходные». Запишите их.
    Caf6, sea, weekend, game, shop, news, music, visit, sport, cinema.
    We go to caf^ every weekend. I like to listen to music on weekends. We usually visit my grannies on weekends.
    • 10. •
    Заполните пропуски. Составьте свои предложения со словосочетаниями.
    Go out — выходить. Му sister went out 10 minutes ago. Go to bed — ложиться спать. I go to bed at 10. Go for a walk — ходить гулять. I go for a walk with my sister. Go sightseeing — осматривать достопримечательности. I went sightseeing during the journey. Go shopping — ходить по магазинам. I always go shopping with my mother. Go abroad — уезжать за границу. I want to go abroad. Go to the theatre — ходить в театр. I like to go to the theatre. Take care — заботиться. I took care of my brother, when he was ill. Take place — иметь место. The theatre takes place in the square. Take photos — фотографировать. I like to take photos. Take the temperature — мерить температуру. The doctor always takes the temperature. Take part in — принимать участие. I took part in dancing competition.
    11. • Составьте предложения.
    1. He didn’t go out with his friends yesterday.
    2. Do you like taking photos?
    3. My brother is going to take part in football match.
    4. Does she go to the country at the weekend?
    5. What are you going to do next week?
    12. • Что случится?
    1. She is going to see the dentist.
    2. They are going to have a nice time.
    3. He is going to stay with his sister.
    4. We are going to walk in the park.
    5. We are going to invite them.
    • 13. •
    Ваш одноклассник собирается провести каникулы в Европе. Задайте 5 вопросов о ее/его планах.
    1. Do you want to visit Spain?
    2. Are you going to see the Eiffel Tower?
    3. What do you want to see in Amsterdam?
    4. Have you ever been to Germany?
    5. What do you want to try in Italy?
    14. • Прочитайте рассказы детей про их хобби. Ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Duncan needs travelling, because he plays tennis and takes part in competitions.
    2. Duncan’s hobby is sport.
    3. Rod’s hobby is possible on weekends.
    15. • Расскажите о своем хобби.
    Му hobby is taking photos. I have a big camera and I take photos of my parents, pets and friends. I have a lot of photo albums at home. Everybody likes my photos. They say it is my vocation.

Раздел 3

  • 18. • Что делают люди на картинках.
    Alice is reading. Jim is playing the computer. Richard is talking by the phone. Martin is running. Wendy is dancing. Steve is looking out of the window.
    19. • Ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Что вы делаете?
    I am doing my homework.
    2. Что делает ваше домашнее животное?
    Му pet is sleeping.
    3. Сейчас идет дождь?
    It isn’t raining.
    4. Где вы сидите?
    I am sitting at the table.
    5. На что вы смотрите?
    I am looking at the book.
    6. Чем вы пишите?
    I am writing with the pen.
    7. Что вы собираетесь делать после того как закончите упражнение?
    I am going to watch TV.
  • 20. • Сопоставьте части предложений.
    1 — d, 3 — а, 4 — с, 5 — f, 6 — b.
  • 21. • Выберите правильный глагол.
    1 — Ь, 2 — а, 3 — Ь, 4 — а, 5 — с, 6 — Ь.
  • 22. • Разгадайте кроссворд.
    1. December. 2. Holiday. 3. Decoration. 4. English. 5. Santa. 6. Winter. 7. Merry. 8. Carols. 9. Square.
  • 23. • Переведите с русского на английский.
    1. On the 25 of December the British people celebrate Christmas.
    2. New Year is my favourite holiday. What is your favourite holiday?
    3. Look! They are decorating New Year Tree. Let’s take photo of them.
    4. Last year we saw New Year in at the skating ring.
    5. What are you going to do tomorrow? My mother and I are going to buy presents for relatives and friends. Why are you asking?
  • 24. • В. Запишите, что Кэрол делала прошлым Рождеством.
    She didn’t write a letter to Santa. She made funny toys for grandparents. She invited grandparents to their place. She got up early in the morning. She played, skated, watched TV, visited friends and ate a lot of tasty things.
  • 25. • Составьте предложения.
    1. Every year we get unusual presents from our granny.
    2. Do you like winter holidays?
    3. What are you going to do on Christmas day?
    4. Look! They are leaving biscuits for Santa.
    5. When does Father Christmas work hard?

Раздел 5

  • 1. • Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос, был ли Питти хорошим щенком.
    Petey was a good puppy because he didn’t frighten cats, didn’t chew shoes and barked when he wanted to go out.
  • 2. • Правда или ложь. Исправьте неправильные предложения.
    1. Т
    2. F — Petey barked when he wanted to go out.
    3. F — Petey was a good puppy because he didn’t frighten cats.
    4. F — Petey didn’t want a white rabbit or a lovely canary for Christmas.
    5. F — His mother found a nice little boy for Petey.
  • 3. • Скажите почему.
    1. Petey’s mother decided to give her son a boy for Christmas because Petey was a good puppy.
    2. Petey’s mother looked worried when she came back because she didn’t find a boy.
    3. Petey’s mother could not find a boy because there was a lack of boys this year.
    4. Petey didn’t want any pet for Christmas because he wanted a boy.
    5. Petey decided to find a dog with a boy because he wanted a boy.
  • 4. • Опишите Питти.
    Petey is a nice little dog with big black eyes, funny ears, small tail. He is brave and smart.
  • 7. • Дополните текст.
    Present, her, find, soft, decided.
    • 8. • Прочитайте тексты и сопоставьте их с картинками.
    1 — d, 2 — с, 3 — Ь, 4 — а
  • 9. • Сопоставьте картинки с описаниями собак.
    а — Setter, b — Bulldog, с — Scottish Terrier, d — Collie.
    *10. Составьте предложения.
    The Collie has a boy with a bicycle.
    The Bulldog has a boy with a car.
    The Setter has a boy with a ball.
    The Scottish Terrier has a boy with a package.
  • 11. • Составьте предложения.
    Petty was pleased to have a boy in a car because he was a little tired from walking.
    Petty was glad to have a boy with a ball because he could play with a boy.
    Petty would like to have a boy on the bicycle because he could run with a boy.
    Petty was happy to have a boy with a package because he was hungry.
  • 18. • Кто сказал эти слова?
    1. Petey. 2. One of the children. 3. The lady. 4. Petey.
  • 19. • Закончите предложения.
    1 — с, 2 — b, 3 — a.
  • 20. • Расположите предложения в правильном порядке. But he couldn’t find a dog who would give his boy way.
    Suddenly Petey see a sign: “Home for Boys”. A lonely boy sat in front of the house. He looked through the window. They were so happy to see Petey. The boy looked up at the lady and down at Petey. Petey knew his mother would let him stay.
  • 22. • Какая главная мысль истории?

Протестируйте себя 3

  • 1. • Составьте словосочетания. И вставьте в предло-
    1. Invite guests, 2. Arrange the date, 3. Take place, 4. Collect badges, 5. Go abroad.
  • 2. • Дополните текст.
    Sore, took, part, responsible, well.
  • 3. • Дополните вопросы.
    1. weren’t they, 2. will not they, 3. did he, 4. weren’t there, 5. isn’t she, 6. wasn’t it, 7. doesn’t he.
  • 4. • Вставьте am, is, are.
    1. Am, 2. Is, 3. Are, 4. Is, 5. Are.
  • 5. • Дополните предложения.
    1 — a, 2 — a, 3 — b, 4 — c, 5 — b, 6 — a, 7 — b, 8 — c.

Протестируйте себя 4

  • 1. • Составьте словосочетания. И вставьте в предложения.
    1. shake hands, 2. decorate Christmas trees, 3. do sports,
    4. send postcards.
  • 2. • Дополните предложения.
    1 — b, 2 — a, 3 — c, 4 — a, 5 — b, 6 — a.
  • 3. • Дополните текст.
    Her, decorate, stocking, special, another, full.
    4. Вставьте am, is, are.
    1. Is, 2. Is, 3. Are, 4. Are, 5. Is.
  • 5. • Составьте предложения.
    1. What are the students doing now?
    2. Kerry is making Christmas cake.
    3. They are not doing their homework now.
    4. Is it snowing now?
    5. Why is he reading that book?
  • 6. • Дополните диалог. Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму.
    Plays, are doing, are singing, are dancing, dance.

Урок 3.

Раздел 1

  • 1. • Соедините слова и описания.
    City — a very large busy town.
    Tourist — a person travelling for pleasure.
    Guide — person who takes people round the places such as cities or museums.
    Capital — the main city in a country.
    Gallery — a room, hall or building where people can see and buy works of art.
  • 3. • Заполните таблицу словами на английском языке. Moscow, capital, city, theatre, museum, gallery, stadium,
    park, monument, London, England.
  • 4. • Переведите с русского на английский.
    1. The British Museum is one of the most famous in the world.
    2. There are a lot of places to visit in the capital.
    3. The United Kingdom consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
    4. London is the capital of Great Britain. It is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.
    5. Would you like to go to London? Yes, of course.
    6. Vladimir is a hospitable city. Thousands of tourists from different countries visit it every year.
  • 5. • Заполните пропуски. Составьте 4 предложения.
    Buy souvenirs — покупать сувениры, have a good time — хорошо проводить время, go sightseeing — осматривать достопримечательности, take photos of ancient churches — фотографировать древние церкви, go shopping — ходить по магазинам, enjoy traditional meal — наслаждаться традиционными блюдами.
    All tourists buy souvenirs. Some tourists prefer to go shopping abroad. If you are tourists you should enjoy traditional meal. I like to take photos of ancient churches in old cities.
  • 7. • Дополните предложения.
    I. Don’t know, 2. Like, 3. Need, 4. Hate, 5. Loves, 6. Has.
  • 8. • Дополните текст.
    Was founded, interesting, famous, cathedrals, city of, thousands.
  • 9. • Составьте словосочетания.
    Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, The Houses of Parliament, The Tower of London, The London Eye.
  • 10. • Сопоставьте вопросы и ответы.
    1 — е, 2 — а, 3 — f, 4 — b, 5 — с, 6 — d.
    • 11. •
    . Запишите по пять слов, которые помогут вам рассказать об этих достопримечательностях.
    Westminster Abbey — church, tradition, St Peter, monarchy, monuments.
    The Tower of London — tower, raven, prison, parliament, regalia.
    Big Ben — symbol, clock, bell, chimes, tourists.
  • 12. • Задайте к каждой картинке по два вопроса.
    1. Have you ever been to Westminster Abbey? When was Westminster Abbey built?
    2. Where does Big Ben stand? How high is Big Ben?
    3. How many ravens are there in the Tower? Was the Tower of London a prison?
    4. The Parliament of London is one of the most beautiful sights of London, isn’t it? What Houses are situated in the Parliament?
    • 13. •
    Заполните таблицу
    With the Without the
    The Tower of London, the Great Britain, Big Ben,
    Neva, the Russian Washington, Buckingham
    Federation, the UK, the Palace, Tower Bridge,
    Houses of Parliament, the Africa, Red Square,
    Thames, the USA, the Trafalgar Square,
    British Museum. Downing Street, Regent
    Street, Tverskaya Street.
  • 14. • Напишите вопросы к ответам.
    1. What are Russians proud of? 2. What were the students tired of? 3. What was the museum full of? 4. What is any capital city rich in? 5. What are Oxford and Cambridge famous for? 6. What was she proud of?
  • 15. • Дополните предложения.
    1. Plays, 2. Part, 3. Photos, 4. Care, 5. Off.

Раздел 3

  • 17. • Прочитайте слова и запишите их.
    Tourist, monument, tower, square, fortress, column, theatre, ancient, sight, royal.
  • 19. • Дополните текст.
    Tourists, enjoy, cathedrals, everyone.
  • 20. • Дополните диалог.
    — Have you ever been to Big Ben?
    — No, not yet.
    — It’s a symbol of London. It’s worth seeing.
    — Can you show it to me?
    — Let’s arrange the day and the time, then.
    — Tomorrow, 10 a. m. is OK?
    — OK. Bye, then.
    — Bye, thanks.
  • 21. • В. Напишите вопросы о путешествии Андрея.
    1. Where did he go?
    2. How much time did he spend there?
    3. Did he like the country?
    4. What did he see there?
    5. Did he take a lot of photos?
    6. What did he buy?
    7. Did he enjoy traditional meals?
    8. Where is he going to go next summer?
    9. Has he been to China?
  • 22. • Дополните предложения.
    1. Dancer, 2. Runner, 3. Musician, 4. Artist, 5. Scientist.
  • 23. • Прочитайте предложения. Соедините их с картинками ниже.
    1. It is in the centre of St. Petersburg. It is famous for its collections of paintings, graphic works and sculptures.
    2. You can visit the house where he lived, walk in the park and even try his favorite dishes. 3. There are lots of interesting exhibitions: Lomonosov’s laboratory, the first radio in the world and much more. You can see a collection of old Russian cars.
  • 24. • Напишите о музее, который вы когда-либо посещали.
    I have been to Louvre. I went there when I was in France with my parents. It is a very big museum. One needs a lot of time to see all the exhibitions situated there. I enjoyed this great time. I was impressed with Mona Lisa most of all.

Раздел 4

  • 25. • Вставьте пропущенные буквы.
    House, come true, building, souvenirs, theatre, tourist, great, country, famous, fountain, fruit, creative, seaside, question.
  • 26. • А. Составьте словосочетания.
    То turn right, to go abroad, to work hard, to take place, to come true.
    В. Вставьте словосочетания в предложения.
    1. turn right, 2. worked hard, 3. go abroad, 4. came true, 5. takes place.
  • 27. • Прочитайте текст упр. № 78 с. НО в учебнике.
    Напишите вопросы о Диме.
    2. Does The London Eye turn quick?
    3. How many people visit the London Eye a day?
    4. Did you take photos?
    5. Where did he buy the souvenirs?
    6. What is next to the London Eye?
    7. Was the puppet show fine?
  • 28. • Заполни таблицу.
  • 29. • Дополните предложения предлогами.
    1. In, 2. For, 3. Of, 4. Into, 5. At, 6. Over, 7. On.
  • 30. • Разгадайте сканворд. Найдите и обведите 15 глаголов в третьей форме. Запишите три формы. Written (write — wrote), told (tell — told), run (run — ran), sat (sit — sat), put (put — put), spoke (speak — spoke), brought (bring — brought), been (be — was), begun (begin — began), got (get — got).
  • 31. • Переведите на русский язык.
    a) путешествующий художник, говорящий политик, смотрящий ученый, спящий щенок.
    b) покрашенная стена, письмо, посланное писателем, игра, в которую играли вчера, объявление, написанное нами, собор, основанный в.
  • 32. • Дополните текст.
    Tallest, situated, built, view, admire, December, worse.
  • 33. • Выберите правильный глагол.
    1. Have finished, 2. Took, 3. Have done, 4. Have eaten,
    5. Became, 6. Have lost.
  • 35. • Разгадайте сканворд. Найдите 15 слов. Напишите инфинитив.
    Put (put), stood (stand), let (let), given (give), heard (hear), written (write), left (leave), been (be), fallen (fell), got (get), chosen (choose), had (have), sung (sing), fed (feed), come (come).
  • 37. • Составьте предложения.
    1. The boy has already drawn the picture.
    2. They have just arranged the day and time.
    3. Have you ever been to Scotland?
    4. She hasn’t sent letter yet.
    5. The students have never played cricket.
    6. I haven’t taken the dog for a walk yet.
  • 38. • Запишите.
    1. I have already done my homework. I have already washed the dishes. I have already gone to my granny.
    2. I bought a new book. I fed my cat. I watched TV.
    3. I haven’t cooked the dinner yet. I haven’t read the newspaper yet. I haven’t taken a shower yet.
    4. I didn’t walk with my friends yesterday. I didn’t call my grandfather. I didn’t go to the cinema.
  • 39. • Напишите вопросы, которые вам задают учителя, родители и друзья.
    Have you done homework? Have you written a test? Parents
    Have you learnt the rule yet? Have you watered flowers yet?
    Have you ever seen this movie? Have you ever played football?
  • 40. • А. Дополните текст.
    Rich, outdoor, roller, skating, playgrounds, enjoy, hundreds
    В. Напишите вопросы о центральном парке.
    2. Is it big? 3. What is it famous for? 4. Can people skate there? 5. Why do children like walking there? 6. When can visitors see performances there?

Раздел 6

  • 41. • А) Напишите третью форму глагола.
    Had, written, seen, done, made.
    В) Дополните предложения глаголами.
    1. Seen, 2. Done, 3. Written, 4. Had, 5. Made
  • 42. • Посмотрите на картинку к упр. № 125, с. 122 в учебнике. Напишите окончания вопросов и ответьте на них.
    1. Aren’t they? — Yes, they are. 2. Don’t they? — Yes, they do. 3. Are they? — No, they are not. 4. Hasn’t it? —
    No, it hasn’t. 5. Did they? — No, they didn’t.
  • 43. • Посмотрите на упр. № 125 в учебнике. Заполните пропуски.
    On, next to, to, above, at, of.
  • 44. • Разгадайте кроссворд. Найдите слово, которое обозначает десерт.
    1. pie, 2. biscuits, 3. sandwiches, 4. salad, 5. pizza, 6. drinks, 7. sugar. PUDDING
  • 45. • Заполните таблицу
    a/an Some
    Cake, apple, sandwich, Cheese, biscuit, bread, tea,
    flower, orange, egg. ham, chocolate, butter,
    sweet, water, sugar, meat,
    money, information, snow.
  • 46. • Соедините слова и составьте словосочетания.
    A glass of water, a cup of tea, a slice of ham, a bottle of Sprite, a bar of chocolate.
  • 47. • Вычеркните лишнее слово.
    1. а cuр, 2. a bottle, 3. а сир of honey, 4. a sandwich, 5. a pizza.
  • 48. • Переведите с русского на английский.
    1. Please, buy tomatoes and cheese for pizza.
    2. What would you like? — A cup of tea and sandwich with ham and cheese.
    3. Your apple pie is delicious. — Thank you.
    4. Would you like some more pudding? — Yes, please.
    5. Help me to lay the table, please. Put cups and plates on the table. Don’t forget about teaspoon and plates for the cake.

Раздел 7

  • 49. • Соедините слова no парам.
    Well-known — famous, Author — writer, Real — true, To make — to do, Novel — story, Everyone — everybody, To like — to admire, Century — one hundred years.
  • 50. • Прочитайте слова. Запишите их.
    Writer, poet, scientist, famous, character, adventure, information, novel, story.
  • 51. • Прочитайте предложенный текст о Робинзоне Крузо (упр. № 144, с. 128 учебника), запишите вопросы.
    1. Was D. Defoe an American writer? 2. Where did Robinson live? 3. Had Robinson got a friend? 4. What did Robinson learn to do? 5. Why the story is interesting?
  • 52. • Разгадайте кроссворд. Составьте слово из обведенных букв.
    1. shAkespEare. 2. IENNON, 3. agatha, 4. doyle, 5. Darvin, 6. Tolkien, 7. defoe.
  • 53. • Переведите с русского на английский.
    1. Arthur Conan Doyle is the famous English writer. He wrote four novels and fifty-six stories about Sherlock Holmes and his friends.
    2. Novel about Robinson was very popular.
    3. What book have you read recently? — About Harry Potter.
    4. Do you like reading? What is your favourite book? — Yes? I like reading but I don’t have favourite book. I like reading books about adventures.
    5. My mother read fairy tales for me when I was little.

Раздел 8

  • 2. • Скажите кто.
    Raven watched the tourist from the wall.
    Children made faces at the birds.
    A girl put her face close to Walter’s beak.
    Befeater told people the legend about the raven’s of the Tower.
    Walter was tired of the Tower and the people.
    William had a bad day in the Tower.
  • 3. • Правда или ложь.
    1. T, 2. Т, 3. F, 4. Т, 5. F, 6. Т.
  • 4. • Опишите Уолтера.
    Walter is a big black clever bird. He has a big strong beak, short black wings and smart black eyes.
  • 5. • Выберите правильный ответ. a. 1, b. 3.
  • 6. • Сопоставьте картинки и текст.
    А — 1, В — 2, С — 3, D — 4.
  • 8. • Расположите предложения в правильном порядке.
    Many tourists came to the Tower of London the next day.
    Walter, Anne, William and Mary went to the bags.
    Mary jumped into a bag full of souvenirs.
    Anne landed near a woman and scratched her leg.
    The woman was frightened and cried.
    The four ravens spent the day behind the wall.
  • 9. • Ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Почему вороны были рады видеть людей утром?
    The ravens were glad to see people because they wanted to escape with their help.
    2. Почему туристы ставили сумки на землю?
    The tourists put their bags down because they were heavy.
    3. Почему вороны решили запрыгнуть в сумки туристов?
    The ravens got into the tourists’ bags because they wanted to escape.
    4. Почему Анна поцарапала ногу женщины?
    Anna sketched woman’s leg because she didn’t manage to jump into the bag.
    5. Почему женщина кричала, когда Мери приземлилась около ее ноги?
    The woman cried when Mary landed near her leg because she was frightened.
    6. Почему Анна убежала?
    Ann ran away because two Befeaters ran to the woman.
    7. Почему Виллиам выпрыгнул из сумки и убежал? William jumped out of the bag and ran away because the
    tourist saw him.
    8. Почему четыре ворона прятались за стеной? For ravens hid behind the wall because Befeaters ran after them.
  • 13. • Кто это сказал?
    1. Ann, 2. Walter, 3. David, 4. Sarah, 5. Mary, 6. William, 7. Mary.
  • 14. • Дополните предложения.
    1 — b, 2 — с, 3 — b.
  • 15. • Соедините предложения.
    1 — с, 2 — е, 3 — d, 4 — b, 5 — а.

Протестируйте себя 5

  • 1. • Дополните предложения.
    1 — b, 2 — b, 3 — с, 4 — с, 5 — а.
  • 2. • Дополните текст.
    Founded, situated, place, cathedrals, traditional.
  • 3. • Напишите даты.
    1. 1066, 2. 1994, 3. 1719, 4. 2011, 5. 1857.
  • 4. • Дополните предложения.
    1 — b, 2 — с, 3 — а, 4 — Ь, 5 — а, 6 — Ь.
  • 5. • Дополните предложения.
    1. know, 2. is playing, 3. need, 4. want, 5. is making, 6. have
    • 6. •
    Заполните пропуски в тексте. Вставьте определенный артикль, где необходимо.
    —, —, —, —, the, the, the, the.

Протестируйте себя 6

  • 1. • Напишите для глаголов прошедшую форму причастия
    seen, decorated, written, bought, sung, stopped.
  • 2. • Вставьте have/has.
    1. have, 2. have, 3. have, 4. have, 5. has
  • 3. • Дополните текст.
    Outdoor, barbecue, cup, drinks, free.
  • 4. • А. Составьте словосочетания.
    То lay the table, То cut a slice of bread, To make a cake, To have a sweet tooth To do the washing up.
    В. Дополните предложения словосочетаниями.
    1. do washing up, 2. cut a slice of bread, 3. have a sweet tooth, 4. make a cake.
    5. lay the table.
  • 5. • Дополните предложения.
    1. a. has taken, b. took
    2. a. have read, b. did read
    3. a. have been, b. was
    4. a. has invited, b. invited

Урок 4.

Раздел 1

  • 3. • Разгадайте кроссворд. Выясните, что делает вашу жизнь проще.
    1. Hobby, 2. Group, 3. Christmas, 4. School, 5. Student, 6. Parents. HUMOR
  • 4. • Дополните вопросы и ответьте на них.
    1. Don’t you, Yes, I do. 2. Can’t you, No, I can’t. 3. Do you, No, I don’t. 4. Didn’t you, Yes, I did. 5. Are they, No, they aren’t. 6. Were you, No, I wasn’t. 7. Wouldn’t they, Yes, they would.
  • 5. • Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму.
    1. Gave, 2. Speaks, 3. Will spend, 4. Stayed, 5. Arrange.
  • 6. • Вставьте слова.
    Play, speak, taught, exchange, an interview, stay.
  • 7. • Переведите с русского на английский.
    1. Can I change rubles into pounds here?
    2. I can’t see anything. Can we change places?
    3. Change your clothes, please. We are going to the theatre in 20 minutes.
    4. Let’s play chess for a change.
    5. I would like to change my plans for today.
    6. Here is your change. Thanks.
  • 8. • Прочитайте слова. Запишите их.
    Curious, naughty, serious, understanding, humor, polite, wise, living, friendly.
  • 9. • Вставьте пропущенные буквы.
    Athletic, talkative, obedience, intelligent, tactful, hospitable, curious, serious, pleasant, noisy.
    10. • Напишите антонимы.
    Unlucky — lucky, Unpleasant — pleasant, Stupid — smart, Naughty — obedient, Fast — slow, Kind — cruel,
    Sad — happy.
  • 11. • Выберите правильный предлог.
    1. On, 2. Into, 3. With, 4. Of, 5. For, 6. By.
  • 12. • Опишите двух членов своей семьи.
    I think my father is very brave, kind, sociable and friendly. He has a lot of friends all over the world. There are a lot of guests in our house.
    I think my brother is very polite, smart and obedient. He always cleans his room, washes the dishes, helps parents.
  • 13. • Разгадайте сканворд. Найдите животных и обведите их.
    Shark, dolphin, donkey, duck, parrot, whale, puppy, horse, cat, camel, dog, crocodile, monkey.
  • 14. • Найдите прилагательные и переведите их на русский.
    1. quite — тихий, 2. cute — милый, 3. independent — независимый, 4. loving — любящий, 5. obedient — послушный.
  • 15. • Заполните таблицу.
  • 16. • Посмотрите на картинки. Опишите животных и птиц.
    A cat is a domestic animal. It is kind and lazy. A crocodile is a wild animal. It is strong and unfriendly. A dog is a domestic animal. It is smart and brave. A parrot is a domestic bird. It is friendly and noisy. A lion is a wild animal. It is strong and smart. A rabbit is a domestic animal. It is quiet and peaceful. A monkey is a wild animal. It is noisy and funny. A pig is a domestic animal. It is lazy and funny. A dolphin is a wild animal. It is smart and friendly.
  • 17. • Переведите с русского на английский.
    1. Do you have a pet?
    2. My puppy is smart but noisy.
    3. Your sister’s kitten is very funny, isn’t it? What is its name?
    4. Does your parrot say anything? — Yes, only a few words. I can’t understand it.
    5. Look at this funny monkey. It is very curious.
    6. You know, my dog gets on well with my granny’s cat.
  • 15. • Напишите о своем домашнем питомце.
    I have got a grey cat called Tom. It is fat, lazy and friendly. It is very smart and it likes to watch TV, especially cartoons. He eats and sleeps a lot. I like to play hide-and-seek with him.

Раздел 4

  • 19. • Соедините антонимы.
    A. To break — to repair, To like — to dislike, To close — to open, To agree — to disagree, To love — to hate, To find — to lose.
    B. Interesting — boring, Beautiful — ugly, Free — busy, Unreal — real, Same — different, Correct — wrong, False — true, Serious — funny, Polite — impolite, Ancient — modern.
  • 20. • Соедините слова и определения.
    Travelling — to go from place to place or to different places.
    Taking pictures — to make photos.
    Collecting things — to bring things together.
    Keeping feet — to be healthy and slim.
  • 21. • Составьте предложения.
    My mother is fond of cooking. I am fond of reading. His cousin is fond of computer games. We are fond of travelling. Their parents are fond of taking pictures.
  • 22. • Напишите о своем хобби.
    Му hobby is taking photos. I have a good camera and I like to take photos of my friends and relatives. I take part in school exhibitions. Everybody says that my photos are true to life.
  • 23. • Прочитайте две истории. Вставьте предлоги. Какой герой вам ближе?
    1) —, about, of, —, to, of, to. 2) after, of, of, of, in, from, with.
  • 24. • Напишите свою собственную историю о хобби.
    Му hobby is listening to music. There are different kinds of music: rock, pop, rap, folk. As for me, I fond of pop music. My friends like this type of music too. We like to go to the concerts of our favorite singers and groups. We have a dream: one day we want to make our own group!
  • 25. • Опишите своего лучшего друга.
    Her name is Katya. She is eleven years old. She is kind, polite and friendly person. We can talk about almost everything. I know that she will come for help if I need it. We spend a lot of time together. We don’t have secrets from each other. I value our friendship.

Раздел 6

  • 26. • Разгадайте сканворд. Найдите и обведите 8 профессий. Запишите их.
    Nurse, worker, boss, programmer, teacher, vet, dentist, librarian.
  • 27. • Соедините слова. Составьте 5 продолжений.
    Silly — stupid. My cat is stupid.
    Free — open.
    Short — small. My sister is 14 but she is short. Unpleasant — bad.
    Long — tall. A crocodile has a long tail.
    Past — last.
    Thin — slim. A bear is fat and a giraffe is slim.
    Pretty — lovely. My little sister is pretty.
  • 30. • Выберите три профессии. Объясните ваш выбор.
    A doctor treats people. It is a very important profession. A teacher helps student to acquire knowledge about the
    A housewife runs the house and supports all the members of her family.

Протестируйте себя 7

  • 1. • Дополните предложения.
    1 — с, 2 — b, 3 — а, 4 — Ь, 5 — а.
  • 2. • Дополните текст.
    Interested, understanding, together, board, during.
  • 3. • А. Напишите слова с противоположным значением. Unusual, Unpleasant, Impossible, Impolite, Incorrect.
    В. Дополните предложения новыми словами.
    1. Unusual, 2. Unpleasant, 3. Incorrect, 4. Impolite, 5. Impossible.
  • 4. • Дополните предложения глаголами в правильной форме.
    1. Speaks, 2. Work, 3. Is walking, 4. Has, 5. Am helping,
    6. Do like, 7. Works, 8. Go, 9. Are taking, 10. Doesn’t want.
  • 5. • Дополните предложения.
    1 — b, 2 — а, 3 — с, 4 — Ь, 5 — с.

Протестируйте себя 8

  • 1. • Соедините слова и составьте фразы.
    a) to repair ships, to catch criminals, to treat animals, -to play sports.
    b) 1. Treat animals. 2. Play sports. 3. Repair ships. 4. Catch criminals.
  • 2. • Дополните текст.
    Athletic, takes, hard, intelligent, very.
  • 3. • Дополните предложения.
    1 — с, 2 — с, 3 — с, 4 — а, 5 — а, 6 — Ь, 7 — с, 8 — а, 9 — а.
  • 4. • Составьте предложения.
    1. What are you going to be?
    2. The teacher is speaking with her student.
    3. Will you tell us about your hobby?
    4. Bodyguards protect stars and businessmen.
    5. He is a vet. He takes care of sick animals.
  • 5. • Дополните письмо.
    Have already finished, took, won, have just finished, did read, joined, went.

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